生肖买马网站 Now Offers Lodging to Full-Time Students


我们住在汉普顿旅馆 & 套房 right here in Wells Maine, known as “the friendliest town in Maine.“这里距离海滩只有很短的步行路程,有很多通往沿海城镇商业和一流餐厅的通道.

Forty-nine+ beds will be available in fully furnished rooms, 为YCCC学生提供额外的住宿设施,如每周的客房服务和游泳池, 还有健身中心的使用权. 双人卧室设有大床, 免费无线网络, 电视, 迷你冰箱, 微波, 洗衣设施, 还有私人全套浴室. Members of the college staff will be there to guide and assist you.

The lodging community at YCCC offers an innovative take on community life, with the benefit of a unique and inclusive living opportunity. 作为社区的一员, 学生们将分享相似的目标和兴趣,同时扩大友谊和经验. 住宿的YCCC学生将获得支持,并通过参与项目和活动与其他学生和教职员工建立社区.

房屋1宽高比474 308
房屋21宽高比474 308
房屋5 1宽高比474 308


是的,每周在YCCC咖啡厅吃12顿饭,每天在酒店吃早餐. 汉普顿酒店每周7天从早上6点到10点提供热腾腾的欧陆早餐 & 套房. 午餐和晚餐将通过我们的校园食堂提供,有吃的和外卖的选择.


In-State/Out-of-State (Includes Housing and Meals) = $11,190.00 Once your housing application has been accepted and approved, there is a $100 deposit required to hold your space.


必须满足以下基本要求,才能选择住宿并在整个学期中继续住宿. 申请者必须:

  • be a matriculated (enrolled) student in a YCCC academic degree program.
  • 在任何学术课程中注册为全日制学生(定义为每学期在秋季和春季学期至少获得12个学分),并在学位方面取得令人满意的进展. 每学期学分不足12学分的学生可申请住在YCCC宿舍.
  • be enrolled in at least nine credits of in–person and on–campus courses. Exemptions will be made based on course availability.
  • maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. 低于2分的学生.0 cumulative GPA may appeal to live in YCCC residential space. 这一呼吁必须是书面的,并且需要包含未来学术成功的计划.
  • 确保他们的账户没有学术、财务或健康方面的要求. 在金融控股的情况下, 学生必须与YCCC商务办公室合作完成付款或制定适当的付款计划.
Review These Other Frequently Asked Lodging 问题
  • 我如何申请住宿?
  • Do I have to be a full-time student to live on campus?
    • 你必须修满12个学分才能被认为是全日制学生. (Any exceptions must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students.)
  • 你们对酒精和毒品/吸烟的政策是什么?
    • 缅因社区学院系统行为准则适用于所有缅因社区学院学生. 守则禁止在校园里饮酒和吸毒, 包括在宿舍里, 不管学生的年龄. 该守则还禁止学生在受毒品或酒精影响的情况下在校园里, 不管学生的年龄, and from being knowingly in the presence of alcohol or drugs. 除了, the Residence Hall Agreement prohibits any alcohol or drug containers, 即使它们是空的. 违反这些政策的学生将因违反《生肖买马网站》的这一部分而受到制裁和/或根据《澳门十二生肖买马》收取费用. 由于客人的行为而导致的行为违规和/或违反宿舍协议,学生要负责,也可以被指控. 处罚取决于具体违规行为的具体情况,但可能是惩罚性的(罚款到学生账户)和/或教育性的(论文), 社区服务). 违反《生肖买马网站》或《澳门十二生肖买马》将被开除出宿舍和/或学院.
  • 我如何向学院提交我的免疫接种?
    • Housing applicants must submit proof of two measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹(MMR)疫苗接种和目前的白喉/破伤风疫苗(过去10年内的一次) vaccines@flcoastline.com prior to submitting a Housing Application Packet.  Please do not send them with your housing application packet. If you have questions regarding immunization processing, please contact vaccines@flcoastline.com


  • 每个人都有室友吗?
    • Yes, each room is a double space with two queen beds. Each bedroom has one private bathroom shared between the two.
  • 我是如何选择室友的? 我可以自己选择室友吗?
    • There is a questionnaire provided in the lodging application, it is designed to aid us in assigning compatible roommates. 在回答问题时,你应该尽可能诚实,这是我们的匹配工具.
  • 我什么时候能知道我的房间分配情况?
    • Academic year room assignments are emailed beginning in August.
  • I need a quiet place to study, where can I study at the hotel/campus?
    • 校园里有很多学习的地方, the 学生成功共享 hosts many spaces including the library. Along with a meeting space that Hampton Inn offers for quiet area to study.
  • 我怎样收到邮件和包裹?
    • Mail will be delivered to the YCCC Campus in Wells, Maine.
  • 如果我和室友有问题怎么办? 我怎样才能换房间呢?
    • 宿舍协议将会落实,明确室友对彼此的期望. If said agreement has been broken, the Director will mediate conversations. We do realize that some issues may come to the conclusion of a room change, the issues involving a room change will be considered. 它非常依赖于可用空间.
  • 我有残疾,需要一间单人房或无障碍房作为住宿. 我该怎么办??
  • 允许养宠物吗??
    • 服务性和支持性动物允许携带适当的必要文件.  Further questions can be directed to resident Director at reslife@flcoastline.com
  • 有宵禁吗??
    • No, 没有宵禁,但安静的时间将确保每个人都知道其他人的课程安排.
  • 放假时宿舍什么时候关闭?
    • 休息时间大厅将关闭, 退房日期是12月17日, 1月16号再入住.  Residents last day for summer check out is May 13th. Housing does not stay open during these specified times.
  • 什么是RA,他们如何帮助我? 我怎样才能成为其中一员?
    • YCCC lodging is staffed by two Resident Advisors (RA), these are full-time students who are employed by the college. RA将能够帮助解决你可能遇到的任何问题,并帮助确保你感觉自己是社区的一部分. They also hold events/programs to bring everyone together, these events vary from board games to paint nights, 还有更多有趣的活动! 请访问住宿网站,了解更多关于成为住宿生活团队一员的信息!
  • Who can help me with problems or questions when they arise?
    • 还有RA, 住宿部主任是一名专业的工作人员,他也将住在酒店. 局长的职责是维护政策,创建一个安全和有凝聚力的社区.
  • 为什么我的房管会有会议和项目? 我一定要去找他们吗?
    • 我们非常鼓励召开基层会议,讨论和规划每个人如何工作和尊重社区. 另一方面,项目是有趣和有教育意义的方式,让居民走出他们的房间,结识一些新朋友!
  • Can I ship some of my personal items ahead of time?
    • We ask that you please not ship any items before you arrive.
  • 房间有有线电视和上网服务吗?
    • Hampton Inn does in fact offer TV and internet service.
  • What items should I NOT bring to the Residence Halls?
    • Residents may not bring their own refrigerators or 微波s. 每个房间都配有微型冰箱,供住户与室友共用。. The micro-fridge is a combination of a fridge, freezer and a 微波.
  • Hampton Inn and 套房 has a pool, is there 24-hour access?
    • Residents will be required to sign in for access to the hotel pool, along with set times and number of people being accounted for.


  • What if I want to move out after the fall semester?
    • 不希望留满一学年的学生需要出具离校通知.
  • How do I pay for housing at Hampton Inn and 套房?
    • 住宿可能在校外, 但账单还是会通过你在生肖买马网站的学生账户支付.


  • 楼里有洗衣设施吗? 还有其他选择吗??
    • There are limited 洗衣设施 at the Hampton Inn, however there is a 24hr laundry mat right across the street.
  • 提供什么样的家政服务?
    • 学生将负责自己倒垃圾,并保持自己房间的生活标准. Housekeeping will only clean the bathrooms once a week. All other cleaning responsibilities are the students. 他们不会换床单和毛巾, 居民需要提供自己的床单, 毛巾, 还有浴帘.
  • Who do I speak to if I need accommodations to live in lodging?
  • What options are available for fitness and exercise?
    • 酒店有一个小型健身中心,将对居民开放, however there is potential of construction starting the fall semester.
  • 有可用的存储空间吗??
    • No storage is available currently, there is self-storage close to campus.


  • 旅馆里有餐饮设施吗?
    • There is a hot continental breakfast everyday provided by the hotel. 还有额外的食物通过住宿生活的节目带来.
  • Where can I purchase groceries and other essentials?
    • 将有班车运行,以适应那些谁没有获得车辆运行到商店. Luckily, there is a Hannaford’s right across the street from the hotel.
  • 有从YCCC咖啡厅带回家的食物吗?
    • 由基督教基督教会食堂提供的饭菜将带回家.


  • 有人能开车来学校吗? 要收费吗?
    • There is available parking at the Hampton Inn and at the YCCC campus, 两者都不会有额外的费用.
  • Is there a way to travel to campus without my own car?
    • YCCC将提供班车接送学生往返校园. With additional scheduled pick-ups and drop-offs to nearby grocery stores.
  • 如果我骑我的自行车,我可以安全地把它放在哪里?
    • Bikes have to be kept in ones room for safe keeping.


  1. 请填写我们的免费申请表格


2. File your Free Application for Federal Student 援助


3. On or after March 1, 2024 please complete the YCCC Lodging Application. Once your application is received and approved a $100 deposit is required.

问题? 联系人:



电子邮件: reslife@flcoastline.com

FMI about pricing, financial aid and payments please email: finaid@flcoastline.com or 207-216-4403


Wells, ME 04090


